Friday, May 14, 2010

Doc Martens

"Dr. Martens is a footwear, clothing and accessories brand, and the footwear products are most often known as Doc Martens, Docs or DMs. The footwear is distinct because of its air-cushioned sole (dubbed Bouncing Soles), developed by Dr. Klaus Märtens of Germany. The boots and shoes have been especially popular among skinheads, punks, grungers and members of a few other youth subcultures."

Sepatu ini harganya berkisar $110. Jadi sekitar Rp 1.005.510.
Siapa yang ga mau sepatu ini?? Kalo gue sih mau banget.
Liat dong, sepatunya cantik banget kan

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ujian Nasional

Setelah melewati rintangan yang sangat sulit, hujan, badai, petir.
Akhirnya mendapatkan hasil juga.